product Not just pivots: Unfair Vantage More often than not, founders set off in one direction -- but discover real opportunity through the new vantage they gain.
AI Featured New ideas for AI interface/ conventions I've written before about why I think chat is a poor experience for AI products. This is my post where I'm going to assemble ideas, fragments, examples for other forms AI interactions might take.
AI Featured Chat is the wrong convention to make great AI products In most cases, chat is not the best interface for AI experiences.
product Reviewing the product positioning of YC batch W24 Thoughts on product positioning by the YC2024 batch.
Vision Pro Vision Pro + Family: Attention/ intention I think all parents would say they want to be really present with their children. Sometimes I try to imagine it’s the last day of my life and I’ve been allowed to travel back to this moment with my 5 year old and 2 year old. When it
Apple A Provisional view of Vision Pro In a recent Beyond Work Hackathon, the prize for the winning team was an Apple Vision Pro. This is the best possible way to get access to a Vision Pro. While I think the price is the least interesting thing about the device (it will become increasingly irrelevant over time)
product The only successful consumer app is Entertainment About the time I realised there's no such thing as a successful consumer subscription app outside of "entertainment".